Champions of Peace

How can we be Champions of Peace

For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions of Peace’. 

Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are: The peace sign, two fingers outwards, an olive branch, a dove, a white poppy, etc

These symbols represent peace because the peace sign started its life as a symbol of the British anti-nuclear movement which was basically keeping the peace.The dove represents baptism and Heaven is seen as a utopia or peaceful place. 

With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because the white wings are like the doves and the peace sign is obviously a sign of peace.

We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about St Francis of Assisi. I thought this person was a champion of peace because he gave up his riches for the poor and has done multiple good deeds for others.

I enjoyed learning about peace because it taught be to be more calm with people and to be more peaceful.

I learnt that anger and sadness is normal to feel cause in the end you’ll always be peaceful.

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by taking more time to calm myself down when upset.

Do you how to be peaceful in stressful time?

Shapes and Shapes

Hello bloggers,

This week in maths we have been learning about geometry and symmetry. we have also been learning about rotation and its basically when you have a shape how many times you can rotate it and it’ll look the same. For a circle it would be infinity but a triangle zero. Symmetry is where if you were to put a mirror in the middle of it it would look the exact same on each side . Anyway for my create we had to make a pattern mural with 6 different shapes and 6 complimenting colours here is my work and if you were to do my create what colours and shapes would you choose?


I hope you liked my create and have a good day!


Hello Bloggers,

In these first two weeks of this new school term we have been doing poetry. We have done different types of poetry like haiku’s, diamante and black out poetry etc. Creating each poem was either really hard or really easy but either way it was fun to do. Here is a create I made to explain more about poems and different types of poems there are and ones I have made.

What is your favourite type of poem and why?

Nailed It!

Hello Bloggers,

In Science we have been learning about electricity. This specific experiment was clip 2 nails to a buzzer in a cup and fill it with water and salt and it should make a buzzing noise.

The name of the experiments we did was: Nailed It!

Materials needed :

. A buzzer

. One copper nail

. One zinc nail

. A cup

. A spoon

. Water

. Salt

My Hypothesis: Before starting my experiment I thought that it wouldn’t work because we put in too much salt or too little salt or because we didn’t put in the right kind of nails for the experiment.

What I discovered: After finishing my experiment I found out that my hypothesis was correct because it wouldn’t work and because we didn’t put the right nails to the right coloured wires which didn’t make the buzzer buzz

(Source : Me i made it)

If I was to do this experiment again or something similar I now know to add the right nails or what ever the thing is to the right wires. 

Do you like science if so what’s your favourite experiment?

Authentic Reading

Hello bloggers,

This week in reading my group had to read one of four articales and write if the text was authentic or not. If you’re wondering what authentic means well it basically means if the thing your talking about is real or not. Anyway the artical I choose to read was called “Meet the worlds oldest cat”, the cats name is Rosie and she is 32. I wrote a presentation explaining my opionions, if I thought the text was authentic or not and my questions for the author and about the text. here’s a Link to the artical if you want to read it. Please enjoy.

I hope you enjoyed reading my slide and tell me

what was your opinion on the text and do you think

anything that I said in the presentation was wrong ?


Wonderful Writing

Hello Bloggers,

This week in writing we have to make a play based off a all ready existing fairytale and I choose Hansel and Gretel. I changed mine up by making the mother the villain and the best friend as a hostage against his own will. Now I won’t say anymore but I can show you my character designs and some info about them. Enjoy.


Here’s a Link incase you can read it properly.

I thought really hard and long about the designs, the plot and the relations to each other and it does take a long time to plot it out even if I’m just using a fairytale with a couple of changes and new characters so I hope you like it.

Now a question for you : If you could choose a fairytale to recreate which one would you choose and why.


Over the course of term one we have looked at the question: How can we help build a resilient community? We are using something called The Resilience Project to understand simple tricks to make our lives better.
I have learnt that GEM stands for Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. Gratitude means being thankful for what you have, Empathy means putting yourself in other people’s shoes to make them feel better and Mindfulness means relaxing and taking some time out of your day to just chill and bring yourself back down to earth

Here is the speech I wrote : I’m here to talk about GEM, But First of all, what is GEM? Well GEM stands for Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. Gratitude means being thankful for what you have because others might not have what you have, it doesn’t even need to be a thing, it could be shelter, food or even love. Empathy means putting yourself in others shoes when they’re upset or mad so that you know how they feel and you can give an appropriate answer and lastly mindfulness. Mindfulness means just taking time out of your day to just relax and meditate in your own way like listening to music or drawing.

Examples :

An example of Gratitude is just saying thank you for what you have and not take it for granted. You could even write down what you are grateful for.

An example of Empathy is let’s say your friends parents are getting divorced even though your parents might not be divorced but you could try and imagine what it would be like for your friend and if your parents are divorced then you can easily comfort them.

An example of Mindfulness is resting, listening to calming music, reading a book instead of going on your phone, drawing a picture or meditating.

The whole school had a showcase evening to look at all the students’ creations and learn more about The Resilience Project.

Here is an invite I made:

For the showcase evening I worked with Sophie B, Sophie M and Selah
We decided to create GEM rocks because it was an easy way to spread the word about GEM and because people could take them home and put them round chch or just keep it as a reminder of what GEM is.
Here is my final creation:

I now know more about what Empathy is and how I can use it in my life to help others. Throughout the creating process I feel like I did painting the rocks really well. I could have been better at presenting it better because we didn’t have a poster or anything to use, we just had our rocks on the table with our chromebooks out.
If I was to do this again, next time I would choose a different project other than painting rocks because lots of people were doing that.

Question : If you were to do a project like this what would you choose and why?

Term 1 Writing reflection

Hello bloggers,

This term we have been learning different things so I’m going to narrow it down to 5 things. In writing we have learnt about : exaggerations, similes, synonyms, questions and prefixes and used all of these in our writing. Exaggerations: saying something is better or worse than it accualy is (i.e she was taller than a tree -she’s just really tall-). Similies: saying something is the same by comparing it to something else (i.e he was as big as a house). Synonyms: a different word that means the same as the one you used before (i.e happy and glad). Questions: asking something that requires a answer (i.e can i borrow a pen?). And lastly Prefixes: a word you put before a word to change its meaning (i.e happy to unhappy)

The two things that I think went really well in my writing was the words that I changed to make the writing better and how I sometimes changed thw whole sentence and made it better than the original but the one thing I wish I would change about it would be how some of the words I just coppied off the board when I tried my hardest to come up with new words.


I learned alot in writing and some more information on things I already new about. Coming up with new words was fun and interesting, some words that others said I didn’t even think about them so it was a really fun time doing so.

What did you like about your writing and was it much different from mine?

Picasso’s Peculiar Paintings.

Hello bloggers,

Hey Have you wondered ‘I want to learn about the GOAT but in art’ if not then its probaly just me but if so then this is the post for you. This week me and my reading group had to research about GOATs but not the animal. I choose Pablo Picaso because he made his own art style and was an amazing artist and I hope to be a famous artist like him.

While Reaserching about Picasso I learnt that he died in 1973 thats almost the year my parents were born along with the fact that he has a really long middle name “Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso” like wow, just, wow. It’s amazing how unique his paintings are and I aspire to be like him in the future.

Have you ever wanted to draw like picasso and Have you ?